C program of Matrix Transpose and Matrix Multiplication

//Code for Program of matrix transpose and matrix multiplication in C Programming

#include <stdio.h>

#define M 10
#define P 7
#define N 8

void ftrans( int a[][3], int b[][3] ) {
     * finds fast-transpose of a in b.
int t[P+1];
    int i, j, n, terms;
    int temp, temp2;

    n = a[0][1];
    terms = a[0][2];
    b[0][0] = n;
    b[0][1] = a[0][0];
    b[0][2] = terms;

    if( terms <= 0 )
    for( i=0; i<n; ++i )
        t[i] = 0;
    for( i=1; i<=terms; ++i )
    temp = t[0];
    t[0] = 1;
    for( i=1; i<n; ++i ) {
        temp2 = t[i], t[i] = t[i-1]+temp, temp = temp2;
        //printf( "t[%d] = %d.\n", i, t[i] );
    for( i=1; i<=terms; ++i ) {
        j = t[a[i][1]];
        b[j][0] = a[i][1], b[j][1] = a[i][0], b[j][2] = a[i][2];
        t[a[i][1]] = j+1;

void printMatrix( int a[][3] ) {
     * prints the matrix in the form of 3-tuples.
int i;
    int nterms = a[0][2];

    printf( "rows=%d cols=%d vals=%d.\n", a[0][0], a[0][1], a[0][2] );
    for( i=1; i<=nterms; ++i )
        printf( "a[%d][%d] = %d.\n", a[i][0], a[i][1], a[i][2] );
    putchar( '\n' );

void insert( int c[][3], int row, int col, int val ) {
     * insert or add the triplet (row,col,val) in c.
     * update c[0][2] is necessary.
int i, terms = c[0][2];

    for( i=1; i<=terms && c[i][0]<row; ++i )
    for( ; i<=terms && c[i][1]<col; ++i )
    if( i<=terms && c[i][1] == col )    // already inserted.
        c[i][2] += val;
    else {                    // a new entry should be inserted at i.
        c[i][0] = row; c[i][1] = col; c[i][2] = val;

void mmult( int a[][3], int b[][3], int c[][3] ) {
     * c = a*b;
int i, j, mn = M*N;
    int aterms = a[0][2], bterms = b[0][2];
    int rowsofb = b[0][0];
    int *t = (int *)malloc( rowsofb*sizeof(int) );
    int temp, temp2;
    int arow, acol, aval, brow, browstart, browend;

    c[0][0] = a[0][0];
    c[0][1] = b[0][1];

    // init c.for( i=0; i<=mn; ++i )
        c[i][2] = 0;

    // fill t[] : t[i] points to row of b where actual row i starts.// last+1 entry is also maintained for easing loops.for( i=0; i<=rowsofb; ++i )
        t[i] = 0;
    for( i=1; i<=bterms; ++i )
    temp = t[0];
    t[0] = 1;
    for( i=1; i<=rowsofb; ++i )
        temp2 = t[i], t[i] = t[i-1]+temp, temp = temp2;

    // now start mult.for( i=1; i<=aterms; ++i ) {
        arow = a[i][0]; acol = a[i][1]; aval = a[i][2];
        brow = acol;
        browstart = t[brow]; browend = t[brow+1];
        for( j=browstart; j<browend; ++j )
            insert( c, arow, b[j][1], aval*b[j][2] );

int main() {
    int a[][3] =    {   
    int b[][3] =    {
    int c[M*N+1][3];

    //ftrans( a, b );
    mmult( a, b, c );

    return 0;

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