Kotlin Program Examples

Kotlin Program Examples
How to Install JAVA JDK for Coding in Kotlin
Kotlin Setup: Install IntelliJ IDEA for Windows
Hello world program in Kotlin
Program to find an area of a circle in Kotlin
Program to find an area of a Triangle in Kotlin
Program to find an area of a Rectangle in Kotlin
What is Kotlin file extension
Program to find the directory/application path in Kotlin
Program to find the file extension in Kotlin
Program to find Prime Number in Kotlin
Program to add two integer number in Kotlin
Program to add two numbers using function in Kotlin
Program to reverse a string in Kotlin
Program to Reverse a Number using Recursion in Kotlin
Program to calculate compound interest in Kotlin
Insertion Sort Algorithm Program in Kotlin
Program to Convert a Decimal Number to Binary & Count the Number of 1s in Kotlin
Program to Convert a Given Number of Days in terms of Years, Weeks & Days in Kotlin
Program to sort an array and search an element inside it : Kotlin
Linear Search Algorithm Program in Kotlin
Bubble Sort Algorithm Program in Kotlin

History of Kotlin programming language

In the Google IO 2017, the Kotlin programming language has been announced as the official Android language. In recent years the Kotlin programming language has gained a tremendous popularity in terms of developing applications such as Android. Kotlin programming language has been developed by JetBrains company, also JetBrains has created the IntelliJ IDE for Kotlin. if you are an Android developer then you must be knowing that the Android studio has been built on top of the intelligent. The Kotlin language is actually the open source project primarily under apache2.
In Google I/O 2017:

  • Kotlin is now Official Android Language
  • Developed by JetBrains
  • JetBrains built IntelliJ IDEA
  • Android Studio is built on top of IntelliJ IDEA
  • Kotlin is Open Source

Will Kotlin replace java for android development?

Can we say is it meant to replace Java just because in Google IO 2017 the Kotlin has been announced as the official language of Android. If you take my opinion the answer is NO. Because at present the maximum number of Android projects are developed in Java, so it is not going to replace Java but we can use Kotlin along with Java in the same project.

  • Kotlin is just more flexible Java
  • Android Apps can be built on Kotlin
  • Kotlin is a more powerful language

Kotlin vs Java

Kotlin is the more flexible version of Java you can say. It is a JVM language and it is a more powerful language compared to Java. Android applications can be built on Kotlin along with using Java and C++ alongside and proceedings forward.

Kotlin features over java

10 features of Kotlin Programming Language
10 features of Kotlin Programming Language

Kotlin is more expressive and Morgan size, in the less amount of code you can get more output compared to Java. Where you have to write a large number of lines of code to express the same thing so we can see Kotlin is actually more than size than Java. In the less number of lines, you can express more and Kotlin also provides the safety features for your application. Such as it is immutable in nature and the nullability factor.

In Kotlin you won't find the null pointer exception compared to Java. Developers often used to get the null pointer exception while running the application in the runtime. so these two features make our application more healthy and safe to use. which means less number of crash reports.

Kotlin is actually the JVM language knowledge. Java is the first JVM language, similar to Java the Kotlin is also the JVM language. so you need to install the Java JDK that contains the Java Virtual Machine before you start developing any application. The Syntax of Kotlin programming language is more expensive and concise.

In the case of Java, we can only pass variables or reference variable to the functions. But in the case of Kotlin, we can simply pass functions within a function that is apart from a variable. we can also pass the function as a parameter.

Kotlin also supports the Lambda expression and also it has a large number of features such as string templates and there are many more.

Kotlin and Java are together interoperable, which means in same application you can have both Java and Kotlin files. Suppose that you are making any E-Commerce application, inside that application you can have Kotlin programming codes as well as Java programming codes. Now currently if your application is built on top of Java then please don't worry about it, you can add Kotlin codes in the same JAVA project. now the question arises if we have both Java and Kotlin files within the same project then how can they interact. it is the beauty of using Kotlin and Java because they are interoperable so you can call the Java functions from the Kotlin files and vice versa.

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